community space
Kitncaboodle space: Community space archive
Kitcaboodle space is a community space in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It started by being a place where people can work on their projects and day works. Then Kitncaboodle slowly turned into more of a functional space for workshops, dance classes, yoga practices, and art exhibitions. The space attracted many like-minded people to coordinate and create various activities for the community.
Nonprofit, Culture, Community
The space's website needs to be redesigned to showcase a personality that space and their people have, including building a quick glance the space's variety of activities and its past events chronologically.
My role:
Workshop Facilitation, Information Architecture, Web design, Branding

Brand Strategy
Brand Attributes & Mission Statement:
The space already has a logo that is quite prominent and bold. We used the logo to accentuate the fun vibe of the community and its members. We decided to go with neon colors and contrast that with pastel colors
Brand Attributes & Mission Statement
By brainstorming and prioritizing brand attributes in categories we created the basis to put together a mission statement.
Culture How would our community describe us?
Target Groups How would we describe our target audience?
Voice How do we want to sound to others?
Feeling How do others feel after being in contact with us?
Impact What tangible impact do we have on others?
Finding Visual Style
Based on years experimenting with various workshops at the space, we wanted the website to reflect what we do and the brand attributes to craft two different homepage designs before committing to a style.

Style Guide
Create some animation for the website:
After we decided to go with the first option (a more animated approach), we went with it and created up some cool and funky animations to go various activities.
Style Guide
Make a stylesheet that bring together the type, fonts, and color schemes.
We decided to go with bold fonts and colors to give it the most impact. We understand that this might not be everyone's cup of tea but we asked ourselves and the community and they love it!

In retrospect, we should have done more documenting process. We have a lot of casual conversation with the members and we asked what they like about the space. These hints gave us little glimpses of what the website could become.

archival project
secret art night: annual art festival website
Secret Art Night is an annual art festival founded in Chiang Mai to celebrate the province's vibrant art scene. It's a way to elevate the art scene out to the rest of the country and the world. In 2020, Secret Art Night made its first debut in Chiang Mai where 11 galleries participated and no fewer than 1,000 people showed up for supports. That's when we knew, we had something amazing.
Photo by Stephanie Harlacher on Unsplash

Photo by Matteo Vella on Unsplash

1 month
Secret Art Night Organisers, participating galleries, and paid sponsors and partners
Event organizing, Public relations, art
Branding design, logo design, web design, and information architecture
One evening where people can enjoy art, music and party in a fun atmosphere. Secret will be revealed on the same day
Event Proposal
Goal and Objectives:
Because of this is an event project, we first designed event proposal as a way to set tone and voice for our potential partners and sponsors. We also use them as a template for styling guide of our website.
1. We want to make sure the sponsors know who we are (the organisers)
2. We want to include any necessary details about the event (date, etc.).
3. We want to describe our concept in a concise way.
4. We want to show some graphic elements that would be give a look&feel

Style Guide
Based on the event proposal:
I used the style established in the event proposal to go ahead and draw up the rest of the style cue of this website. It should be noted that this project was on short timeline, thus we needed to move quickly and efficiently, and since we had received some very positive feedbacks on the overall design and concept of the event, we went ahead quickly develop a website in a short time scale.

Design Opportunities/Challenges
"Secret is the key"
"Secret" is the underlying concept and we can use to our design advantage. Making a design element that reveal a message would be interesting.
Logo Design
We have an opportunity here to design a logo that is 1. easy to recognize year after year 2. can be adapted for both prints and digital products
Revealing the secret
We revealed the secret location on the night. This presented us with a design opportunity to reveal that location directly on our website.
Neutral Design
The website's overall look should remain neutral so that any images or arts that we display on the website can take our center stage.
Logo Design
Secret + reveal = Key
The logo is the key element in the design so I started by designing a logo. After some discussion with the team, we decided to go with something that resemble a key. Because of our short timeframe, we came up with the logo almost right away.
This is the logo I designed initially to quickly answers most (if not all) of the design opportunities.
"Secret is the key" (literally)

Revealing the secret
Based on the talk we had with other stakeholders, we decided to include a little gem to reveal our little secret for the closing party on the day of the event. We did this by revealing our hidden message while moving the cursor around the page.

Neutral Design
We chose neutral colors when it comes to the color scheme for the website. We did this for 2 reasons: 1.) to make sure that if we place artworks on our website, we give them the spotlight and our colors won't clash 2. ) to make sure we remain neutral in terms of look&feel and that we don't favor any one particular style of artworks.

Finally we finished the website that includes information about the event, video interview, information about participating galleries and links to their websites. Keep in mind that we only had about one month to work on this project and that we planned to post similar contents on social media. This website serves to further legitimize Secret Art Night event and it's also a way for us to thank our sponsors.
check out the website here:
Elpis living: online fashion brand
Elpis Design Studio (also known simply as 'Elpis') is a vegan brand that sells soft goods (bags + accessories) for vegan markets. Elpis (the spirit of hope in Greek) products designed with one quintessential value in mind: cruelty-free. Elpis bags are made with plant-based leather that are 100% cruelty-free but has the look and feel of a leather. These plant-based leathers are innovation that were created as an alternative option for animal leather and replace them with a more sustainable plant-based leather options. Their mission statement focuses on these two aspects: sustainability and cruelty-free.
Vegan fashion is a term that is commonly used in the fast fashion industry where the leather is made with synthetic material (petroleum by product). Elpis vegan leather utilize things found in nature and made them into materials that are purely from plants and other agriculture wastes. Their plant-based leathers are made from various raw materials such as: teak leaves, coffee husks, garlic husks, tamarind husks, banana leaves. These are things that make Elpis brand uniquely positioned as a vegan fashion brand.
My role: Sector:
Niche E-commerce site, vegan market, fashion
2 months
Graphic Design, Photography, UX Design, Web Design, and Branding
Elpis Studio is a small fashion brand with a niche market. The website needs to reflect the level details and attentions paid to its core customers. The key is to not do anything to offend their core customers and to identify with their needs. Copywriting is important as much as images and graphics on their websites.
It should also be noted that is intended to be a storefront website for at retailers/boutique stores who are interested in making purchase orders. Their goal is to release an E-commerce website for retail customers in the Q2 of 2022.
Branding: Style Guide
Using their existing products and brand attributes, we can say that Elpis has a strong brand value and style that reflect the values of their market audience. Their product stylings are clean-lines, minimalistic, and accentuated by the texture of their unique materials. Because Elpis already has an existing brand guideline, I need to work within them which helps tremendously in speeding up the web design process.
Brand Attributes: 3 words
Their Slogan:
Comfortably natural
Color Scheme:
Minimal color schemes with one prominent color of pastel turquoise.

Web Contents - Creating Information Architecture (IA)
The next step is to determine how I would work with Elpis products and its contents. will be their domain and they will create another subdomain for their e-commerce site in the Q2 of 2022. For this web design, the aim is to feature their products in four categories (based on their raw materials) of their plant-based leathers. The four categories are: Teak Leaves, Banana Leaves, Coffee Husks, Tamarind Husks, and Garlic Husks

Website's Main Target Audience/ Goal
Their website main target audience would be retailers who would like to see samples of products available before they request for a full catalogue and make a purchase order. They want their products to be displayed directly on the front page (home) and other information about the brand to be displayed in as few of pages as possible. The call-to-action on every page should be to target their audience to leave us a message with their emails.
They have photos that would be prominently displayed for each category of product. These photos will be headers for each category along with some copy to explain where the raw materials come from and how they are utilized.

Web Design
Here's the final design for the website. The website is front-page centric and the main call-to-action is to bring the viewers towards leaving their emails for contact.